About Us
Active Shooter/Critical Events
Mass shootings and violent assaults are now a part of our everyday lives. They are occurring in every corner of our country and in every conceivable venue. It is increasingly likely that you or someone you love will be involved in an active shooter or large-scale violent event. If you find yourself in the middle of the hysteria that is a mass shooting or similar act of violence, will you know what to do to remain calm, survive the event, and lead others to safety?
American Survival Strategies does exactly that. We provide small, private survival courses that will train you and your organization with simple tactics that you will need to survive as individuals and in a group against any of the common threats today.
We distill over 30 years of law enforcement and SWAT team training down to short informational courses that teach simple tactics to respond to violent and stressful situations. We will teach you how to quickly read a room, know the 5 key indicators of an imminent threat, identify your exits and exit strategies, and finally, how to neutralize a threat in order to not only survive...but thrive, and help others to safety.
Experience & Training
I have been in law enforcement for over 30 years including 18 years as a SWAT team tactical operator. As a first responder, I have had the opportunity to receive hundreds of hours of training in a variety of law enforcement-related topics including:
Active Shooter Training
Debriefs of multiple active shooter scenarios
Enhanced Active Shooter Strategies
Active Shooter Response in Corporate America
Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings
Campus Terrorism & Tactics
Gone are the days of an angry employee, an irate parent, or a dissatisfied customer being the worst fear of a business or school. The fact is that we now live in an age where things that only happened on the news in distant places are now happening in our own backyards. While we as a nation refuse to allow the actions of a few to dictate the lives of the many, we still have no choice but to educate ourselves, plan, and prepare.
My hope is those that attend this presentation will take the information and share it with their friends and family; start a dialogue. The goal is not to paralyze people with fear, but instead to educate and empower.
Why do I teach?
My passion for this project was born out of frustration following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting when I learned that the school the children in my family were attending were still faithfully conducting fire and earthquake drills but doing nothing to address this new threat. Soon after, I started working on finding a way to integrate active shooter training for civilians into a school setting. I quickly realized this training couldn't be limited to that environment once these events spread to malls, churches, and businesses. We owe it to those who matter most to us to be prepared for any of these events and to be able to react in a way that will give us the best chance for survival.
This program is tailored specifically to educate the everyday citizen on what they can do to prepare themselves in the event that at active shooter or similar catastrophic event occurs and increase your chances of staying safe.
Years of Experience
Hours of Training
Hours of Tactical Training
Year Established